
From Ender Scrolls
Golden helmet.png Kingdoms

Kingdoms are a way to create factions/guilds/clans. Kingdoms let you protect your builds, provides a Kingdom bank, Chest and Guards. You may also build warp pads and regulators.

Use the command /kingdom create <kindomname> to create a kingdom. This will spawn the nexus at your location. Claim additional land with /kingdom claim, rightclick the nexus for more options.

The first 5 claims are free, additional claims can be unlocked by inviting more people or through the Nexus.

Kingdoms are funded by resource points, you may gain Resource Points by converting diamonds, using your Kingdom Bank.

Action Cost Command
Create 0 /kingdom create <kingdomname>
Rename 80 $ /k rename <kingdomtag>
Set/Rename Tag 40 $ /k tag <kingdomtag>
Invite Players 0 /k invite <playername>
Claim Chunk 10 Resource Points /k claim

Map.png Claims

A Kingdom starts with 6 max claims, adding members and the max claims upgrade in the Nexus may increase your max claims.

Map.png Max Claims (Members)

Kingdom Members Max Claims Increase
1 6 -
2 14 +8
3 24 +10
4 36 +12
5 50 +14
6 66 +16
7 84 +18
8 104 +20
9 126 +22
10 150 +24

Beacon.png Nexus

The most important thing in your kingdom. Almost everything in your kingdom can be accessed and modified from your nexus such as ranks, upgrades, members, economy and structures.

Misc Upgrades

Diamond sword.png Nexus Guards

Level Cost Increase Max
1 200 Resourcepoints +1 Legionary, Battlemage 1 Legionary, 1 Battlemage
2 400 Resourcepoints +1 Centurion 1 Legionary, 1 Battlemage, 1 Centurion
3 600 Resourcepoints +1 Battlemage 1 Legionary, 2 Battlemages, 1 Centurion
4 800 Resourcepoints +1 Centurion -1 Legionary 2 Battlemages, 2 Centurios

Iron sword.png Guards

Level Cost Increase Max
1 500 Resourcepoints +1 Legionary 1 Legionary
2 1000 Resourcepoints +1 Battlemage 1 Legionary, 1 Battlemage
3 1500 Resourcepoints +1 Legionary 2 Legionaries, 1 Battlemage

Map.png Max Claims (Upgrade)

The 7+ means you get atleast 7 per Kingdom member, more members equal more claims per upgrade level.

Level Cost Increase
1 20 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
2 40 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
3 60 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
4 80 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
5 100 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
6 120 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
7 140 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
8 160 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
9 180 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
10 200 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
11 220 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
12 240 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
13 260 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
14 280 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
15 300 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
16 320 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
17 340 Resourcepoints 7+ per member
18 360 Resourcepoints 7+ per member

Player.png Max Players

Level Cost Increase Max
0 - - 3
1 100 Resourcepoints +1 4
2 200 Resourcepoints +1 5
3 300 Resourcepoints +1 6
4 400 Resourcepoints +1 7
5 500 Resourcepoints +1 8
6 600 Resourcepoints +1 9
7 500 Resourcepoints +1 10

Enderchest.png Nexus Chest Size

Level Cost Increase Max
0 - - 9 Slots
1 100 Resourcepoints +9 Slots 18 Slots
2 200 Resourcepoints +9 Slots 27 Slots
3 300 Resourcepoints +9 Slots 36 Slots
4 400 Resourcepoints +9 Slots 45 Slots
5 500 Resourcepoints +9 Slots 54 Slots

Bay Dun Icon.png Bay Dun Horse Mount

The Bay Dun Horse mount can be purchased for 4200 and is granted to all kingdom members.

Music disc ward.png Regulator

Manage various things in your land. One common misunderstanding with regulators is that they're kingdom-wide, but they only affect the current land that they're placed in. This means that for example disabling mob spawning, will only disable mob spawning in the land that the regulator was placed in. Mobs can still summon from surrounding lands and come to the regulator land.


  • Disable Mob Spawning: Disables mob spawning in certain situations (only natural spawns, lightnings and silverfishes), therefore this does not disable plugin-spawned mobs such as Kingdoms' guards, soldiers and champions.
  • Disable Animal Spawning: The same situations as above apply.
  • Allow Explosions.

Attributes: Allows certain players outside of your kingdom to manage things inside this land regardless of relationship attributes.

Interactions: Allows certain players outside of your kingdom to interact with certain blocks in this land regardless of relationship attributes.

Music disc blocks.png Wayshrine

Teleport to all the different structures in your kingdom. Each Wayshrine also has a name that appears inside the GUI for teleporting to other Wayshrines and above the hologram. They require fuel to teleport players around. You can refill a Wayshrine by throwing Redstone at it.

Using a Wayshrine costs 1 Redstone per 100 Blocks distance. Traveling to another world always costs 64.